Brock LombardBrock Lombard

Born and raised in Springfield, MA (circa 1971)

Current Residence: Everglades Pines Resort with Samantha Keller

ø Brock Lombard, Sr. (father, deceased)
ø Anna Winthrop (mother, deceased)
ø Ceanna Lombard (sister, deceased)
ø Ralph Lombard (brother)
ø Dana Lombard (sister)
ø Royce Keller (brother-in-law)

Children: None

Marital Status: Married to Samantha Keller

Past Entanglements:
ø Leigh Gray (one-night stand)

Occupation: Chiropractor

Represented by:
ø Cameron Mathison [ Episode 31 - Present ]

About Brock

Brock came to town to win back his first love, Samantha Keller, whom he met while away at med school in Paris. The two became estranged due to a mix-up. He made his intentions known to Sam at the annual Masquerade Ball. Samantha was very hesitant about starting up again with him, given how things ended the first time. He explained that he only called off their engagement because he caught her and Ty Chappell in a compromising position. Thanks to her brother, Samantha came around and gave Brock another chance. He wasted no time, proposing marriage.

The couple married days later in front of small gathering of friends and family, despite her brother's qualms, which he laid to rest for her sake. It became clear later that Royce was right to be concerned because Brock had a one-night stand with Leigh Gray, which he neglected to disclosed. Making matters worse, he stood by and knowingly allowed her to stalk his wife. Samantha was hurt by the bombshell, but forgave her husband. They both, however, weren't so forgiving with Leigh, especially after she crashed their holiday party.

In season five, Samantha became deeply involved with trying to understand the Blackadder36 virus outbreak. This investigation leads her to a hospital in Springfield. Brock grows concern when she falls off the radar.